Purpose of Cythonarrays

Cython is a great tool to write Code at C-Speed.

Numpy is a great tool to work with arrays.

xarray is a great package to work with a set of arrays with named dimensions.

The purpose of the cythonarrays package is to make writing cdef-Classes in cython easyer, safer and more convenient by linking to numpy and xarray.

It consists of the following components:

The following modules provide some help for compiling cython classes that use numpy and openmp. Frequently used code can be imported in the setup.py the .pyxbld files.

  • build_config.py : ensure that numpy and openmp is correctly linked in the cython file by using a .pyxbld-file

  • make_cython_extensions.py : use make_extensions(list_of_extention_module_names) in the setup.py to define ext_modules


this package provides base classes for cdef-Cython-Classes.

You create a cyton cdef-class with memoryviews and subclass this class in a python-class. The python class converts the memoryviews into numpy arrays. In addition, it wraps the arrays into an xarray-class. If you set arrays with numpy-arrays, they are validated in terms of shape and dtype. cdef-methods on the cython-class can manipulate the data at c-speed.

How to work with Cythonarrays CDef-Classes

Cython cdef classes

Cython cdef classes are extension types for cython.

All methods and class attributes, that should be used with C-Speed have to by defined. This can be done in the declaration .pxd file:

cdef class MyCythonClass(object):
    """A Cython class"""
    cdef unsigned long i, j
    cdef public float U
    cdef readonly double result

    cpdef double calc_result(self, float U)
    cdef calc_p(self, unsigned long i, unsigned long j) nogil

Class attributes defined as public are also readable and writable from Python.

Class attributes defined as readonly are readable from Python but not writable.

Class attributes defined without a public or writable flag are only accessible from within a cdef-Cython function.

Methods defined as cdef are only accessible from other class methods.

Methods defined as cpdef are also usable as python classes.

If the method is defined as nogil, then they can be used within a parallel calculation at C-speed.

This method does not need the “Global Interpreter Lock” (GIL). So a method can only be nogil, if no python attributes or methods are used within the function and only other nogil functions are called.

A cpdef method cannot be nogil at the same time.

A nogil function cannot return nothing, so specify at least a return type like char.

memoryviews and numpy arrays

A comfortable way to work with numpy arrays in cdef classes is the following:

  • the cdef class holds an memoryview on the data as an attribute the memoryview can be accessed in C-Speed from within cython functions

  • from python the data is accessible as a normal numpy array

To facilitate this, the Cython module array_shapes.pyx and the Python moduls array_types have been written.

Let your Cython class inherit from ArrayShapes.

from cythonarrays.array_shapes cimport ArrayShapes from cythonarrays.array_shapes import ArrayShapes

import the numpy array types:

from cythonarrays.numpy_types cimport *

specify all arrays that you need in the mymodule_cython.pxd-file with a leading underscore:

cdef class _Example(ArrayShapes):
    cdef public ARRAY_2D_f _myfloatarr
    cdef public ARRAY_3D_i4 _myintarr
    cdef public ARRAY_1D_d _mydoublevector

    cdef public int n_rows, n_blocks, n_cols

In the mymodule_cython.pyx-file, add a __cinit__ method:

cdef class _MyCythonClass(ArrayShapes):
  def __cinit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      """init the file"""
      for cls in self.__class__.__mro__:

the method search_memview(cls) searches all memoryviews in the class and the base class.

Create a wrapper Python class in a python module mymodule.py, that inherits from _MyCythonClass and from the Python-Class _ArrayProperties:

import pyximport
from mymodule_cython import _MyCythonClass
from cythonarrays.array_properties import _ArrayProperties

class MyClass(_MyCythonClass, _ArrayProperties):
    def __init__(self, n_rows, n_cols, n_blocks, *args, **kwargs):
        super(MyCythonClass, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.n_rows = n_rows
        self.n_cols = n_cols
        self.n_blocks = n_blocks

This creates automatically properties for a comfortable access to the array:

>>> myinstance = MyClass(n_rows=4, n_cols=5, n_blocks=6)

The array can be initialised by:

>>> shape = ('n_blocks', 'n_rows', 'n_cols')
>>> myinstance.init_array('myintarr', shape, default=-1)
>>> shape = (6, )
>>> myinstance.init_array('mydoublevector', shape)

or with some data::

>>> arr = np.random.random((4, 5)).astype('f8')
>>> shape = ('n_rows', 'n_cols')
>>> myinstance.set_array('myfloatarr', arr, shape)

In this case, the dtype is automatically casted to the target type of the class attribute (in this case: f4). And the shape is checked. If the shape does not match, an error is raised. The Data is accessible form Python via:

>>> intarr = myinstance.myintarr
>>> intarr.dtype
>>> intarr.shape
(6, 4, 5)
>>> intarr[2, 2:4, 1]
array([-1, -1])
>>> intarr[0] *= 2

and from within a cython function:

cdef class _MyCythonClass(_ArrayShapes):
  cpdef sum_mult_by_block(self):
     cdef int block, row, col
     cdef double res
     for block in range(self.n_blocks):
         res = 0
         for row in range(self.n_rows):
             for col in range(self.n_cols):
                 res += self._myintarr[block, row, col] * self._myfloatarr[row, col]
         self._mydoublevector[block] = res

>>> myinstance.sum_mult_by_block()
>>> myinstance._mydoublevector
array([-40., -20., -20., -20., -20., -20.])

You can define an Array within a cdef function:

cdef class _MyCythonClass(_ArrayShapes):
  cpdef sum_mult_by_block(self):
     cdef int block, row, col
     cdef ARRAY_1D_d vec = self._mydoublevector
     cdef double res
     for block in range(self.n_blocks):
         res = 0
         for row in range(self.n_rows):
             for col in range(self.n_cols):
                 res += self._myintarr[block, row, col] * self._myfloatarr[row, col]
         vec[block] = res

but don’t do that in a subfunction, that is called many times, because assigning memory to the variable vec a costly operation.