Validation of Data in cythonarrays

The pxd-file example_cython.pxd imports shortcuts for memoryviews and the base class ArrayShapes:

from cythonarrays.numpy_types cimport *
from cythonarrays.array_shapes cimport ArrayShapes

Then it defines the cdef-class _Example, that inherits from ArrayShapes.

It will have the coordinates groups, origins, and destinations.

Paralell loops will use n_threads.

It defines different memoryviews of 1 and 2 dimensions and dtypes i4 (4-byte integer) und d (double).

These memoryviews start with a leading underscore.

In the Python-Class these arrays will be exposed later without the leading underscore as numpy arrays.

The suffix g and i in _persons_gi help later to use the right variables (self._persons_gi[g, i] = …)

The cdef class will define a method calc_model which can be called from python and cython that returns -1 if an exeption occurs.

The cdef class defines two methods _calc_weight_destination and _calc_weight_destination which can be called only from cython.

nogil means that these methods can be called in parallel threads where the global intepreter lock (gil) has been released:

cdef class _Example(ArrayShapes):
    Cython CDefClass for Example model
    with coordinates groups, origins, and destinations
    cdef public long32 groups
    cdef public long32 origins
    cdef public long32 destinations
    cdef public char n_threads

    cdef public ARRAY_1D_i4 _zonenumbers_i

    # parameter of groups
    cdef public ARRAY_1D_d _param_g

    # distance matrix (km from a to b)
    cdef public ARRAY_2D_d _km_ij

    # persons per group and zone
    cdef public ARRAY_2D_d _persons_gi
    # jobs per zone
    cdef public ARRAY_1D_d _jobs_j

    # resulting trip matrix
    cdef public ARRAY_2D_d _trips_ij

    # not initialized matrix
    cdef public ARRAY_2D_i4 _not_initialized_ij

    cpdef char calc_model(self) except -1

    cdef double _calc_weight_destination(self, double param,
                                       double minutes, double jobs) nogil
    cdef ARRAY_1D_d _calc_p_destination(self, long32 g) nogil

The cython-module example_cython.pyx implements these methods.

It uses the __cinit__-method to search for all memoryviews defined in its .pxd-file and expose all of them, which start with a leading underscore, as numpy arrays:

cdef class _Example(ArrayShapes):
    cpdef char calc_model(self) except -1:
        Calc the daily trips for all groups and zones
        cdef char t
        cdef long32 g
        with nogil, parallel(num_threads=self.n_threads):
            t = threadid()
            # loop over groups
            for g in prange(self.groups, schedule='guided'):
                with gil:
          'calculate group {}'.format(g))
                # calc destination choice

Now the cython and cpdef methods are implemented.

The example uses parallel threads to calculate the model for different groups.

Within the parallel sessions, pure python-methods like a logging function can be called by temporarily using the gil (global interpreter lock) in a block introduced by with gil:.

The ArrayShape-class defines a logger which is bound to the cdef-class.

To reset the memoryview to its default values, the method self.reset_array(‘trips_ij’) can be used.:

import numpy as np
from cythonarrays.tests.example_python import Example

  km_ij = np.array([[1, 4, 5],
                    [2, 1, 7],
                    [5, 7, 2]])
  jobs = np.array([100, 200, 300])
  params_groups = np.array([-0.2, -0.1])
  persons_gi = np.array([[100, 0, 200],
                         [0, 250, 50]])

  groups, zones = persons_gi.shape
  example = Example(groups, zones)
  example.set_array('km_ij', km_ij)
  example.set_array('jobs_j', jobs)
  example.set_array('param_g', params_groups)
  example.set_array('persons_gi', persons_gi)
  return example

  tempfile_h5 = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='h5')

The following test shows how the code works

class Test01_ExampleCDefClass:
    """Test the Example CDefClass"""
    def test_01_test_init_array(self, persons_gi):
        """Test the Example CDefClass creation"""
        groups, zones = persons_gi.shape
        example = Example(groups, zones)

        # set correct shape
        values = np.arange(zones)
        example.set_array('jobs_j', np.arange((zones)))
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(example.jobs_j, values)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(example._jobs_j, values)

        # init the array with a default value
        example.init_array('jobs_j', default=0)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(example.jobs_j, np.zeros(zones))

        # init the array with the other default value
        example.init_array('jobs_j', default=2)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(example.jobs_j, np.full(zones, 2))

        # new default value will be stored
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(example.jobs_j, np.full(zones, 2))

        # set new shape, keep old default value
        example.init_array('jobs_j', shape='groups')
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(example.jobs_j, np.full(groups, 2))

    def test_02_test_shape(self, persons_gi):
        Test if the shapes of array are controlled correctly
        groups, zones = persons_gi.shape
        example = Example(groups, zones)

        # jobs_j should have the shape (zones)

        # correct shape
        arr = np.ones((zones))
        example.jobs_j = arr

        # try to set values with the wrong shape
        arr = np.ones((groups))
        message = """
Arrays are not equal
jobs_j: shape soll: [3], ist: (2,)
(mismatch 100.0%)
 x: array([2])
 y: array([3])
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError,
        example.jobs_j = arr

        # change zones and try again
        example.destinations = groups
        # now the array fits to the shape defined
        example.jobs_j = arr

    def test_03_test_dimensions(self, persons_gi):
        """Test the dimensions"""
        groups, zones = persons_gi.shape
        example = Example(groups, zones)

        # try to set shape with the wrong number of dimensions
        msg = "builtins.ValueError: 1 Dimensions required, shape ['groups', 'zones'] has 2 dimensions"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError,
            example.init_array('jobs_j', shape='groups, zones')

        # access a non-initialized array
        target = np.empty((0, 0))
        actual = example.not_initialized_ij
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, target)

        # set arbitrary values to non-initialized 2D-Array
        a = np.array([2, 3, 4])
        # with less dimensions than required ...
        example.not_initialized_ij = a
        b = example.not_initialized_ij
        # another dimension is added
        assert b.ndim == 2
        assert b.shape == (1, 3)

        # change value in cython-memoryview
        example._not_initialized_ij[0, 1] = 99
        target = np.array([[2, 99, 4]])
        # the value will be changed in the numpy-view of the array
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(example.not_initialized_ij, target)
        # as this is a view on the input-data, it will be changed there, too
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(a[1], 99)

        # the right number of dimensions should be fine
        c = np.array([[0, 1],
                      [2, 3]])
        example.not_initialized_ij = c
        d = example.not_initialized_ij
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(c, d)

        # too many dimensions will raise an error
        e = np.array([[[0, 1],
                       [2, 3]],
                      [[4, 5],
                       [6, 7]]])
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError,
                           message="not_initialized_ij: ndim soll: 2, ist: 3"):
            example.not_initialized_ij = e

        # when the dimensions can be reduced to the target dimensions,
        # it should be fine
        f = np.array([[[0, 1],
                       [2, 3]]])
        example.not_initialized_ij = f
        g = example.not_initialized_ij
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(g, f[0])

        # change value in cython-memoryview
        example._not_initialized_ij[1, 1] = 88
        target = np.array([[0, 1],
                           [2, 88]])
        # the value will be changed in the numpy-view of the array
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(example.not_initialized_ij, target)
        # as this is a view on the input-data, it will be changed there, too
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(f[0, 1, 1], 88)

    def test_04_test_dtype(self, persons_gi):
        """Test the dimensions"""
        groups, zones = persons_gi.shape
        example = Example(groups, zones)

        # dtype of jobs_j: f8
        # dtype of not_initialized_ij: i4
        # dtype of n_threads: char

        # test if n_threads is really a signed char
        example.n_threads = 127
        assert example.n_threads == 127

        with pytest.raises(OverflowError,
                           message='value too large to convert to char'):
            example.n_threads = 128

        # test if jobs_j is really an array of double precision
        arr_i4 = np.array([2, 3, 4], dtype='i4')
        example.jobs_j = arr_i4
        assert example.jobs_j.dtype == np.dtype('f8')
        # because the array set to jobs_j is of different dtype,
        # it had to be converted to double. So no view is used,
        # but a copy of the data
        arr_i4[1] = -1
        # the data in jobs_j stays untouched
        assert example.jobs_j[1] == 3

        # test if not_initialized_ij is really an array of 32bit integer
        arr_i4 = np.array([[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]], dtype='i4')
        example.not_initialized_ij = arr_i4
        assert example.not_initialized_ij.dtype == np.dtype('i4')
        # because the array set to not_initialized_ij is of the same dtype,
        # a view on the data could have been used
        arr_i4[1, 2] = -1
        # the data in not_initialized_ij changes
        assert example.not_initialized_ij[1, 2] == -1

    def test_10_test_model(self, example):
        """Test the Example CDefClass model"""
        res = example.calc_model()
        total_trips_target = example.persons_gi.sum()
        total_trips_actual = example.trips_ij.sum()
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(total_trips_target, total_trips_actual)

    def test_11_dataset(self, example):
        """Test the creation of an xarrays Dataset linked to the Cythonclass"""
        example.zonenumbers_i = np.array([100, 200, 300])
        example.groupnames_g = np.array(['Female', 'Male'], dtype='O')

    def test_20_save_and_read_ds(self, example, tempfile_h5):
        """Test that saving and re-reading the data works"""
        example.zonenumbers_i = np.array([100, 200, 300])
        example.groupnames_g = np.array(['Female', 'Male'], dtype='O')

        # read the data into new class
        new_example = Example.from_netcdf(tempfile_h5)
        # assert that the data match
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(example.jobs_j, new_example.jobs_j)

        # assert, that the array are correctly linked to the Dataset
        old_value = new_example.ds.trips_ij.sum()
        # calculate the model with 77 persons more
        new_example.persons_gi[1, 0] += 77
        new_value = new_example.ds.trips_ij.sum()
        np.testing.assert_allclose(old_value + 77, new_value)


if __name__ == '__main__':

How to work with Cythonarrays CDef-Classes

Cython cdef classes

Cython cdef classes are extension types for cython.

All methods and class attributes, that should be used with C-Speed have to by defined. This can be done in the declaration .pxd file:

cdef class MyCythonClass(object):
    """A Cython class"""
    cdef unsigned long i, j
    cdef public float U
    cdef readonly double result

    cpdef double calc_result(self, float U)
    cdef calc_p(self, unsigned long i, unsigned long j) nogil

Class attributes defined as public are also readable and writable from Python.

Class attributes defined as readonly are readable from Python but not writable.

Class attributes defined without a public or writable flag are only accessible from within a cdef-Cython function.

Methods defined as cdef are only accessible from other class methods.

Methods defined as cpdef are also usable as python classes.

If the method is defined as nogil, then they can be used within a parallel calculation at C-speed.

This method does not need the “Global Interpreter Lock” (GIL). So a method can only be nogil, if no python attributes or methods are used within the function and only other nogil functions are called.

A cpdef method cannot be nogil at the same time.

A nogil function cannot return nothing, so specify at least a return type like char.

memoryviews and numpy arrays

A comfortable way to work with numpy arrays in cdef classes is the following:

  • the cdef class holds an memoryview on the data as an attribute the memoryview can be accessed in C-Speed from within cython functions

  • from python the data is accessible as a normal numpy array

To facilitate this, the cython-module array_shapes.pyx and the python-module array_types have been written.

Let your Cython class inherit from ArrayShapes:

from cythonarrays.array_shapes cimport ArrayShapes
from cythonarrays.array_shapes import ArrayShapes

import the numpy array types:

from cythonarrays.numpy_types cimport *

specify all arrays that you need in the mymodule_cython.pxd-file with a leading underscore:

cdef class _Example(ArrayShapes):
    cdef public ARRAY_2D_f _myfloatarr
    cdef public ARRAY_3D_i4 _myintarr
    cdef public ARRAY_1D_d _mydoublevector

    cdef public int n_rows, n_blocks, n_cols

The method search_memview(cls), that is called from the __cinit__(self)-method of ArrayShapes, searches all memoryviews in the class and the base class.

Create a wrapper Python class in a python module, that inherits from _MyCythonClass and from the Python-Class _ArrayProperties:

import pyximport
from mymodule_cython import _MyCythonClass
from cythonarrays.array_properties import _ArrayProperties

class MyClass(_MyCythonClass, _ArrayProperties):
    def __init__(self, n_rows, n_cols, n_blocks, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.n_rows = n_rows
        self.n_cols = n_cols
        self.n_blocks = n_blocks

This creates automatically properties for a comfortable access to the array:

>>> myinstance = MyClass(n_rows=4, n_cols=5, n_blocks=6)

The array can be initialised by:

>>> shape = ('n_blocks', 'n_rows', 'n_cols')
>>> myinstance.init_array('myintarr', shape, default=-1)
>>> shape = (6, )
>>> myinstance.init_array('mydoublevector', shape)

or with some data:

>>> arr = np.random.random((4, 5)).astype('f8')
>>> shape = ('n_rows', 'n_cols')
>>> myinstance.set_array('myfloatarr', arr, shape)

In this case, the dtype is automatically casted to the target type of the class attribute (in this case: f4). And the shape is checked. If the shape does not match, an error is raised. The Data is accessible form Python via:

>>> intarr = myinstance.myintarr
>>> intarr.dtype
>>> intarr.shape
(6, 4, 5)
>>> intarr[2, 2:4, 1]
array([-1, -1])
>>> intarr[0] *= 2

and from within a cython function:

cdef class _MyCythonClass(_ArrayShapes):
  cpdef sum_mult_by_block(self):
     cdef int block, row, col
     cdef double res
     for block in range(self.n_blocks):
         res = 0
         for row in range(self.n_rows):
             for col in range(self.n_cols):
                 res += self._myintarr[block, row, col] * self._myfloatarr[row, col]
         self._mydoublevector[block] = res

>>> myinstance.sum_mult_by_block()
>>> myinstance._mydoublevector
array([-40., -20., -20., -20., -20., -20.])

You can define an Array within a cdef function:

cdef class _MyCythonClass(_ArrayShapes):
  cpdef sum_mult_by_block(self):
     cdef int block, row, col
     cdef ARRAY_1D_d vec = self._mydoublevector
     cdef double res
     for block in range(self.n_blocks):
         res = 0
         for row in range(self.n_rows):
             for col in range(self.n_cols):
                 res += self._myintarr[block, row, col] * self._myfloatarr[row, col]
         vec[block] = res

but don’t do that in a subfunction, that is called many times, because assigning memory to the variable vec a costly operation.